Women at Faith Stay Connected During COVID-19

As our stay-at home time continues, ministries are learning new ways to stay connected, keep people growing in their walks with Jesus and serve others. Today we’ll learn what some of the women’s ministries are doing.

MOPS: Moms of young children really miss their time with other women and the chance for their children to play and learn together. To keep them encouraged and help them have a “MOPS meeting” at home, the MOPS leaders put together activity bags and dropped them off on doorsteps. The bags delivered before Easter included activities for the children and the moms: Easter eggs filled with treats and items that symbolize the events of Jesus’ last week, coloring pages, and crafts for both kids and moms. One challenging activity was to put the items representing Holy Week in chronological order to tell the Easter story. MOPS leaders also shared by Facebook and email ideas for lots of Easter activities that are both fun and spiritually meaningful.

Precept Bible Study: Zoom meetings are helping women stay connected while studying God’s Word, and the women are so appreciative.

One woman wrote, “I was wondering/worried about how our Bible study would continue. It truly has been heart changing for me this semester, and I would be so disappointed if we weren’t able to continue.”

Another said, “Our Precept Zoom meeting allows us to ‘see’ one another and keeps us connected and studying the Word together. We can lift each other up in prayer and look forward to the day when we are together again. Thank you for making this happen. You’re the BEST!”

Still another said, “This inductive method of biblical study has helped me grow not only in biblical knowledge but in my relationship with my heavenly father as well as in a community of fellowship with other believers. This study is so important for me to feel ‘fed’ and immersed in God’s Word throughout the week. I depend on it! I feel like I am honoring God’s Word by studying and meditating on it like a Berean…[who] ‘received the wordwith all readiness of mind, andsearched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so’ (Acts 17:10-11). So thank you for finding a way to continue our study and fellowship in these trying times when we need God even more.”

Women’s Sewing Group:  What in the world does one do with 84 bolts of fabric? Four months ago, Vicki Kuntz was offered 84 bolts of new high-end quilting fabric that would otherwise be discarded because of an error in the print. At the time, she didn’t quite know what the Women’s Sewing Group would do with all that fabric, but God did! 

In March, when the impact of COVID-19 was ramping up, she received a request to make surgical caps for four area hospitals. Since then, 20 women have been hard at work washing, drying, ironing, cutting, and sewing. Vicki, the “Warden” as she is lovingly called by her group, organizes the tasks, gets all the materials to the women, and then collects and distributes the caps to the hospitals. So far, they have delivered over 300 caps! The response from the hospitals is heart-warming!

Horizons: Last month, a few Horizon women called all the women in the group to see how they were doing. They also stay connected by mailing cards to each other. 

Women of the Word:  When the Women of the Word Bible study had to cancel all in-person studies for the rest of the ministry year, they got creative. At first, while it was still okay to meet in groups of 10 or fewer, very small groups got together to discuss a lesson. One group of ladies had a “picnic” – they packed a lunch and met at a parking lot, staying in their cars a safe distance away from each other. More recently, some groups have had Zoom meetings or have stayed in touch by phone calls and writing cards. Women have been blessed by staying in touch and encouraged in their study of the Word.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study:  This video-based Bible study was able to finish their ministry year by getting special permission from Lifeway to allow women to access the digital copies of the lessons at home. Many of the women did just that, and some ladies met via Zoom for discussion as well. Some groups are continuing to meet up online for prayer and social connection. It’s been a big blessing for them to be able to talk with each other and support each other in this way.

Janet Smith and her husband Dan have been members at Faith for 15 years. After years of homeschooling their four children and leading a homeschool group, she now works in the Faith office as Assistant to Care Ministry. She serves in Stephen Ministry and in Women of the Word.

Outside of work and ministry, Janet enjoys baking, reading, hiking, crocheting, and spending time with her kids and grandkids.